Our hearts and our prayers go out to Adrian Pheiffer, the first chairman of the Western Province Motor Club and its Public Relations Officer until as recently as 2018, on the passing away of his wife Jutine, known to everyone as Cookie, this morning, Friday 7 August.
Adrian and Cookie met when he took part in one of the early LM Rallies from Pretoria to Lourenco Marques as navigator for Alan Wolman. She was one of the marshals on that event and when she later moved to Cape Town, the two met up again and were married in 1959.
They went on to have three sons – Earl, Roy and Dale – and for more than 60 years Cookie was his rock throughout a varied and adventurous career in motorsport and the motor industry.
We extend our sincere condolences to Adrian, Earl Roy, Dale and the Pheiffer family; our thoughts are with you in this painful time.
Thanks to Colin Brown for the picture.