At the Annual General meeting of the Western Province Motor Club on Thursday 10 September 2020, an Honours Award was bestowed on Pieter Smal in recognition of his many years of service to the Club and its members.
He is seen here with WPMC Chairman Gavin Cerff (left) at the awards ceremony in the Adrian Pheiffer Lounge during the Power Series event presented by Wingfield Motors and Kfm 94.5 on Saturday 12 September.
A life-long car enthusiast, Pieter Smal went to see then Chief Scrutineer Dick Vlietman in 2001 about the plans for some work on Dick’s property.
At the time Dick was busy restoring a Porsche 356, so the two spent about 10 minutes talking
about the plans and the rest of the time talking cars.
Dick then suggested that Pieter join him at scrutineering, which he did, learning the trade under Dick’s mentorship until he became an MSA-accredited scrutineer in 2014.
In 2016, he succeeded Dick as Chief Scrutineer, a position which he says is a whole lot more complicated than just being a scrutineer, and which he occupies to date.
For his dedicated service, the WPMC bestows an Honours Award on Pieter Smal.