25 Jun Race Report by Hayley – Winter Karting: Keeping it Kool at Killarney – 22 June 2024

Round 4 of the Regional Karting held at Killarney International Raceway’s karting
circuit brought on some interesting and fun racing on the 22nd of June.
Because South Africa entered the Winter Solstice on the 21st, a cold and slippery
Saturday was brought onto us at Karting.
Qualifying provided the fun as plenty karts spun their way on and off track, entering
and exiting the 180s.
For example, when Qaanit Doutie of the Micro Max category, spun on the last lap in
the 180s because of a wet, slightly slippery circuit that was on its way to drying.
Qualifying for the Micro Max category resulted with Michael O’ Mahoney in first
place, Jake Steyn in second place and Slater Smith in third place.
Shortly after, a change of surface flag had been brought into the mixture after the
Mini Rok category. This called in the old leaf blower and broom to get rid of any
unwanted dirt, debris, or sand as well as dry up parts where water had faintly
puddled up.
The Mini Rok category ended qualifying with Logan Roehrig taking first, Radhi Harris
second and Rayan Kariem in third.
Race 1 is where the action started to build up. The Bambino/Cadet category saw that
of Lehan Fourie, who started the race fourth on the grid, and Divaaj Govender, who
started in the third grid slot, fighting closely for third place in the beginning stages of
the race.
Unfortunately, Fourie ended Race 1 in fifth place while Caleb Lingeveldt finished in
first, Radhi Harris in second and Govender in third.
The OKJ/OKN category had regrettably experienced a huge pile up involving four
karts, Raffaele Musso, Onwabile Mcinga, Tristan Botha and Aleksander Praizovic, as
they were told to reform due to a false start.
Medics had swiftly made their way to the scene and no substantial injuries had been
Ethan Lennon finished race 1 of the OKJ/OKN category in first place while Amani
Kinyua finished second and Manelisi Nkomo in third.
Race 2 of the Clubman’s category found Ryan Eastwood undergoing some troubles
with his kart resulting in a DNF. Christo Cilliers collided with Matthew Carter on
their 11th lap. Carter received a 5 place penalty for breakout while Cilliers had been
excluded for failure to weigh after the race.
Race 2 of the Clubmans category ended with Zimvo Majova in first, Andre le Riche in
second and Sean le Riche in third.
The Senior Max category finished race 2 with Tate Bishop in first place, Cole
Hewetson following behind him in second place with +2.323 sec and Ethan Deacon
in third with a difference of +2.780 sec. Luca Wehrli had been awarded the best lap
with a time of +40.704 sec in race 2.
Race 3 had been composed as not much happened on the track at the end of the
day besides a collision between Divaaj Govender and Sebastian Eastwood in the
Bambino/Cadet category on the last lap. As well as two false starts in the Micro Max
and Mini Rok categories.
Race 3 of the DD2 category found Joseph Oelz in first place, Sebastian Boyd in
second and Matthew Wadely in third.
Junior Max finished race 3 with Keagan Beaumont in first place while peers, Jordon
Wadely finished second and Sebastiano Human third, respectively.
Max Boshoff completed race 3 of the Mini Max category in first place with Michael
Danks following him in second and Ruan Lewis in third.
Be sure not to miss the next round of regional karting on Saturday the 13th of July!
Image and Text by Hayley Zaayman